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CMF eZine

Prepare to Meet Thy God
Set not your affection upon the fleeting things of time, but seek an everlasting portion, which shall be yours when sun and moon grow dim.
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Grace (God's Unmerited Favor)
THE exact and discriminate meaning of the word grace should be crystal clear to every child of God.
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How to Become a Christian
This brings us to the matter in hand: What shall I do to be saved? or How shall I become a Christian?
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Christ and the Adulterous Woman
The awful malignity of the Lord’s enemies is evident on the surface.
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QUICK must be the hand if an impression is to be made upon the wax. Once let the wax cool and you will press the seal in vain.
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Life in a Maze
LIFE is frequently called a maze, and rightly so. Its many twistings, windings, changes, and mysteries, entitle it to be classed among...
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The Shepherd
Oh think not so of the Good Shepherd! He is already gazing on your bleeding wounds, and preparing to bind them up...
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A Needless Question Answered
The will to believe in Christ is as much a work of grace as faith itself...
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May I Believe
“Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely” (Rev 22:17)
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Saved Through Faith
The way of salvation has always been the same. No man has ever been saved by his good works.
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How Luther Sought and Found
Luther’s voice through four hundred years still sounds in the ears of men, and quickens our pulses like the beat of a drum in martial music.
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God is graciously willing to accept any sinner who comes to him confessing his transgressions and trusting in the blood of the Lord Jesus.
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Seekers Encouraged – The Substitute
The whole pith and marrow of the religion of Christianity lies in the doctrine of “substitution,”...
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Hindrances to Coming to the Light
There may be some sin within you which you are harboring to your soul’s peril.
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Something to be Set Right
When a man does wrong, and yet will not confess it, how wrong he must be!
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We Wait for Light (Isaiah 59:9)
I address those who sincerely want to obtain the true and heavenly light...
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Still No Light, and Why?
It shall be my happy task to endeavor to assist into the light those who want to flee from darkness.
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Seekers Touching Christ
Our Lord Jesus feels a most divine pleasure as he bends over a broken heart and binds it up.
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Despised Ones Seeking Jesus
The most depraved and despised classes of society formed an inner ring of hearers around our Lord.
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